Aside from obvious barriers, agricultural fencing has served a much larger function as a distinction of territory and protection from outside predators. It serves to not only keep livestock or wildlife contained in a specified area, but it also keeps out elements that would otherwise disturb or even put those animals in danger for their lives.


Historically, domesticated livestock would typically wander freely without an area, governed only by overseers of some sort (such as shepherds). Fencing was initially used to keep them out of farming areas, where they would uncontrollably decimate a local area’s only means of food if left unchecked. In turn, fencing eventually became mandatory as population densities increased and the amount of needed farm land outgrew the need for grazing areas.


Early fences were cobbled together from whatever materials were available, such as stone or wood. Rocks tilled out of the soil during cultivation of farmland would be transported to the border of the area to aid in building or to strengthen the fence.


Modern fences include wire with barbs to serve as a further  deterrent for livestock looking to either escape or graze in forbidden areas. This was largely due to the Industrial Revolution and the greater availability of stronger materials.


In time, various designs of fences were developed to meet the specific demands of various livestock or wildlife, such as the smooth wire, deer fence, and even the electric fence.  Regardless of the type of livestock fence you choose, you will sleep better at night knowing your beloved animals are secure.


Posted by: General Timber

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